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(Added sandbox3.)
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|A directory for large data sets that never need to be backed up and/or that you can get again (on ubu).
|A directory for large data sets that never need to be backed up and/or that you can get again (on ubu).
|Our third sandox.

Revision as of 13:56, 23 October 2015

The following directories are auto-mounted into /home in the CHG Unix environment. This means that you can access any of these directories by cd'ing to /home/[desired_directory]. Once you cd into any of the directories listed below, they will subsequently appear in your /home directory. For example:

[user@server ~]# ls /home
[user@server ~]# cd /home/hub ; cd ~
[user@server ~]# ls /home

Please note that the server location is for reference only. The auto-mounted /home directories should remain static but the server location is subject to change without notice. Even if data is migrated to another server, it will still be accessible through the same /home directory, so command line and script paths should always use the /home path.

Directory Sever Location Notes
[user] ubu:/raid/chg-users/[user] [user]'s personal directory (contains .bash_profile, etc).
chg-[user] ubu:/raid/chg-[user] A space for [user] that has no other logical /home yet.
postgres ubu:/raid/chg-users/postgres
source ubu:/raid/chg-users/source A place for [user]'s code, data, etc (visible to other users).
sysadm ubu:/raid/chg-users/sysadm
users ubu:/raid/chg-users CHG user directories.
chg-users ubu:/raid/chg-users Alternate mount for CHG user directories.
rain-homes ubu:/raid/chg-users Antiquated mount for user directories.
psqldata ubu:/raid/CSCD1_9.0_psqldata Place on disc where CSCD contents live, owned by postgres, ~300 Gb's
ss-psqldata rain:/raid2/snapshots/cscd/2013.11.26/psqldata
CSCD1_9.0_psqldata ubu:/raid/CSCD1_9.0_psqldata
itt jojo.eri.ucsb.edu:/raid/r.r/eri/services/itt
matlab jojo.eri.ucsb.edu:/raid/r.r/eri/services/matlab
software ubu:/raid/chg-software
AIRS ubu:/raid/AIRS Atmospheric Infrered Sounder
AMIP ubu:/raid/AMIP
APHRODITE ubu:/raid/APHRODITE Asian Precipitation - Highly-Resolved Observational Data Integration Towards Evaluation of Water Resources
ARC2 ubu:/raid/ARC2
AVHRR ubu:/raid/AVHRR Advanced (in its day) Very High Resolution Radiometer
B1 ubu:/raid/B1 Geostationary IR data for B1 period 1980-2008 from Ken Knapp
B1_Products ubu:/raid/B1_Products
binary_cubes ubu:/raid/binary_cubes wis, binary cubes of usefull data
BIRP ubu:/raid/BIRP
CenTrends ubu:/raid/CenTrends
CESM ubu:/raid/CESM
CFS-Forecast ubu:/raid/CFS-Forecast
CFS-Hindcast ubu:/raid/CFS-Hindcast
CFS-Reanalysis ubu:/raid/CFS-Reanalysis
CHCPS ubu:/raid/CHCPS
CHIRP ubu:/raid/CHIRP CHG IR Precipitation
CHIRPS ubu:/raid/CHIRPS CHG IR Precipitation with Stations
CHIRT ubu:/raid/CHIRT CHG IR Temperature
CHIRTS ubu:/raid/CHIRTS CHG IR Temperature with Stations
CHPclim ubu:/raid/CHPclim Climate Hazards group Precipitation Climatology
CMIP ubu:/raid/CMIP
CMAP ubu:/raid/CMAP
CMORPH ubu:/raid/CMORPH CPC MORPHing technique precipitation
code ubu:/raid/code
CPC_IR ubu:/raid/CPC_IR
CPC-Unif ubu:/raid/CPC-Unif
CRU ubu:/raid/CRU Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia
CSCD ubu:/raid/CSCD CHG Station Climatology Database
CSCDP ubu:/raid/CSCDP
ECMWF ubu:/raid/ECMWF European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasts
energy_budgets ubu:/raid/energy_budgets
EROS ubu:/raid/EROS Earth Resources Observation and Science
ESA ubu:/raid/ESA
EUMETSAT ubu:/raid/EUMETSAT 15 minute TIR data over Africa from Meteosat-9 and Meteosat-10
EWX ubu:/raid/EWX Early Warning eXplorer
FCLIM rain:/raid/FCLIM
FCP rain:/raid/FCP
FIP rain:/raid/FIP
FIRP rain:/raid/FIRP
FLDAS rain:/raid/FLDAS FEWS NET Land Data Assimilation System (FLDAS)
fluxes rain:/raid/fluxes
FTIP rain:/raid/FTIP
FTIP_validation rain:/raid/FTIP_validation
FTP rain:/raid/FTP
ftp_in rain:/raid/ftp_in A place to put incoming files over ftp (experimental).
ftp_out rain:/raid/ftp_out CHG's ftp files.
GAUL rain:/raid/GAUL
GCM rain:/raid/GCM
GDAS rain:/raid/GDAS
GHCN rain:/raid/GHCN
GPCC rain:/raid/GPCC
GPCP rain:/raid/GPCP
GPM rain:/raid/GPM
GRACE rain:/raid/GRACE
GSOD rain:/raid/GSOD
GTS rain:/raid/GTS
HIRS rain:/raid/HIRS
hub rain:/raid/hub Contains symbolic links to other automounts for user discovery - users should avoiding using this for command line or script operations
IRP rain:/raid/IRP
IRT rain:/raid/IRT
LIS rain:/raid/LIS
locate range:/raid/services/locate Future home of global locate database files.
MODIS rain:/raid/MODIS
NDVI rain:/raid/NDVI Newest version of GIMMS NDVI-3g. RegionalCubes directory has existing cubes and directions/code to make a new region cube (vi *.R).
ORA-S4 rain:/raid/ORA-S4
PET rain:/raid/PET Potential EvapoTranspiration. So far only Hobbins E. Africa data
PMWC rain:/raid/PMWC
Princeton rain:/raid/Princeton
Radiosonde rain:/raid/Radiosonde
raid-zipa zippy:/raida
raid-zipb zippy:/raidb
raid-rain rain:/raid
raid2-rain rain:/raid2
raid-ubu ubu:/raid
Rainman rain:/raid/Rainman
Reanalysis rain:/raid/Reanalysis
Reanalysis2 rain:/raid/Reanalysis2
RFE2 rain:/raid/RFE2
RGPI rain:/raid/RGPI
sandbox rain:/raid2/sandbox A directory for large data sets that never need to be backed up and/or that you can get again (on rain).
sandbox2 ubu:/raid/sandbox2 A directory for large data sets that never need to be backed up and/or that you can get again (on ubu).
sandbox3 ubu:/raidb/sandbox3 Our third sandox.
Sahel rain:/raid/Sahel
SMN rain:/raid/SMN
stations rain:/raid/stations
TOMS ubu:/raid/TOMS Satellite Ozone data
TAMSAT rain:/raid/TAMSAT
TARCAT rain:/raid/TARCAT
temperature rain:/raid/temperature
TRMM rain:/raid/TRMM
Vic rain:/raid/Vic
WARF rain:/raid/WARF
world rain:/raid/world Country_Boundaries; griddedPopulationDensity; Gridded_World_Population; GTOPO_30; SRTM; worldclim