From CHG-Wiki
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Where can I get CHIRPS data?
in a browser go to, or equivalently, . via anonymous ftp, ftp username: anonymous password: your_email_address cd /pub/org/chg/products/CHIRPS-latest/
What is the spatial resolution of CHIRPS?
Chirps is produced at 0.05 x 0.05 degree spatial resolution For daily Africa data we also provide a 2.5 x 2.5 degree spatial resolution product
What are the spatial domain available for CHIRPS?
Global 50N-50S, 180E-180W @0.05 deg resolution = maps 7200x2000 pixels Africa 40N-40S 20E-55W @0.05 deg resolution = maps 1500x1600 pixels CAmer-Carib efdfdffgggerg1234 346y
What are the time steps available for CHIRPS?
pentad dekad monthly daily (for Africa)
What are the file formats available for CHIRPS?
.tif .bil
What units is CHIRPS in?
Total mm for given time step, mm/pentad, mm/month, etc.
What value is used for Bad Values?
What is the latency of the CHIRPS product?
There is a rapid, gts-only, CHIRPS available 2 days after the end of a pentad Final CHIRPS (all station data) is available sometime after the 15th of the following month.
What is the temporal range for CHIRPS?
CHIRPS is available from 1981 to near-real time The first couple of years are of lesser quality due to large gaps in the B1 IR data for that time period. People using CHIRPS for hydrological modeling may choose to start later than 1981.
Who do I contact with CHIRPS questions?
Pete Peterson
What is the spatial density of station data used in CHIRPS?
The closest thing we have available is what we call reality checks we post in EWX (Early Warning Explorer). Take a look here, on the left open up the Africa tab then double click on, RCHECKS-STNS You will have to zoom in to see squares with black dots in the middle. These are 10x10 pixel boxes of the station value on top of the CHIRPS field. A 'reality check' to see if the stations match the background field. You can zoom in on a location then cycle through month/years to see how the # of stations changes with time. Its pretty significant in some areas.
Also, Each file represents a single month of CHIRPS for the Globe. There are 5 columns, year,month,latitude,longitude,station_used? Each file has 52,743 lines representing our total list of anchor stations used in CHIRPS. The last column, station_used is 0 if no station data used for that location/time 1 if we had station data for that location/time.
How was CHIRPS funded?
CHIRPS has been supported by funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) the USAID Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Who uses CHIRPS?
How good is CHIRPS?
It depends on the questions you are asking. For Seasonal Drought monitoring and Trend Analysis, CHIRPS is very good compared with other rainfall datasets.
How do I reference CHIRPS in publications?
Funk, C.C., Peterson, P.J., Landsfeld, M.F., Pedreros, D.H., Verdin, J.P., Rowland, J.D., Romero, B.E., Husak, G.J., Michaelsen, J.C., and Verdin, A.P., 2014, A quasi-global precipitation time series for drought monitoring: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 832, 4 p.